This simply means that as a vehicle owner you can use your vehicle to access a loan facility of up to N5,000,000 and above
Often times when financial problems begin to creep in; most especially in the process of executing a project or a goal or attending to family emergencies, most individuals would either turn to selling off their assets such as cars, lands and in very tough situations, their houses.
You can avoid such unpleasant situations with Rosabon Asset Cash Loan, which was created with the aim to increase your access to credit facilities without losing your assets, thereby helping you solve financial problems easily and reach those financial goals with no hassle.
This simply means that as a vehicle owner you can use your vehicle to access a loan facility of up to N5,000,000 and above with a repayment plan of up to 18 months while you enjoy the use of your vehicle throughout the loan period and definitely after. You cannot access this loan package anywhere else!
Rosabon’s ACL is quick and affordable and it comes with minimal interest rates. ACL is tailored to meet the needs of individuals and can be accessed within 48 hours once all the requirements are met.
Nigeria’s leading non-banking financial institution, Rosabon Financial Services, licensed by the Central Bank Of Nigeria, turns 25 this year and to celebrate her 25th Anniversary we’d be giving out cool prizes in the forthcoming weeks!
To apply for this loan, simply send an email to info@rosabon-finance.com or call 08150880039 or Whatsapp 08150880038. Vsit www.rosabon-finance.com for more info.
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