In the same interview, Hillary Clinton said it was "childish" to "paint with a broad brush; every immigrant is this, every African American is that."
- Former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was criticized for making an insensitive remark that suggested former attorney general Eric Holder and Democratic Sen. Cory Booker, both of whom are African-American men, "all look alike."
- Clinton, who made the comment during an interview, previously said it was "childish" to "paint with a broad brush; every immigrant is this, every African American is that."
Former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was criticized for making an insensitive remark that suggested former attorney general Eric Holder and Democratic Sen. Cory Booker, both of whom are black, "all look alike."
Clinton asserted it was "childish" to "paint with a broad brush; every immigrant is this, every African American is that," as she discussed the Democratic Party's "political correctness," during an interview with Recode executive editor Kara Swisher in New York City on Saturday.
Swisher asked Clinton a question regarding a quip that was previously made by Holder, but mistook him for the junior senator from New Jersey: "What do you think of Corey Booker ... what do you think about him saying 'Kick them in the shins,' essentially?"
"Well, that was Eric Holder," Clinton said. "Yeah, I know they all look alike."
"No, they don't," Swisher responded.
The "kick them in the shins" remark Swisher referenced came from Holder, who made that comment during a Democratic campaign event in Georgia earlier in October. During the event, Holder modified former first lady Michelle Obama's infamous slogan, "When they go low, we go high."
"When they go low, we kick 'em," Holder said at the time, adding: "That's what this new Democratic Party is about."
Holder later qualified his quip by saying he was not encouraging people to do "anything inappropriate."
"We don't do anything illegal," Holder said.
Donald Trump Jr., President Donald Trump's son, pounced on Clinton's comment and compared it to the manner in which the news media covers controversial statements from the president.
"Imagine [President Donald Trump] said the exact same thing in the exact same way," Trump Jr. said on Twitter. "What would the media response be? Hysteria? Outrage? It would likely be beyond all that. Because I'm hearing crickets right now after Hillary said it. Wonder why."