Premarital sex is a sin filled with destruction. One of the surest way for the destruction of ones destiny. It should never be encouraged because it takes a life spirit away from you
To the men if you have sex with her before marriage you are a thief. To the lady, he is not meant for you ,if he asks for sex before marriage.
It is not an avenue to show true love. Know today that anyone who ask for it before marriage is a deceptive person. Ladies don't be deceived. Never let it out. It's a virtue that worth to be cherished if not misused.
Sex is not an act of love but of lust. Lust is a very strong sexual desire especially when love is not involved it's meant for the married but nowadays the reverse is the case. Majority who are not married engage in this act as a result of relationship in which they engage themselves. You cannot fall in real love you grow in it
I think in the journey of this write up readers may find answers to these questions
Why do you need to be in a relationship?
What is the purpose of dating?
Am I ripe for dating
What do I stand to gain in relationship?
Read Also: How to cope with sexual urges in a celibate relationship
If you give yourself to him before marriage, you are simply endangering your destiny. Don't be deceive and come to your senses. Maybe you don't know you lose the most. Why should you give it out? The only safe and proper outlet is marriage. You need to wake up, many has fallen into the trap of we will get married soon whereas he is not thinking about marriage
Sex goes beyond the physical ,it has spiritual implications too I want you to know that the more sex outside marriage The worst your life becomes (this happens because of the spiritual implication. Maybe you don't know you are exposed to devil's attack
Sex is not meant for those who are not married, God established it as an act after marriage. Sex before marriage is defiling your matrimonial bed and this could make your marriage foundation weak.
Furthermore, you need to know that sex is not fun outside marriage. It's a suicide mission
Always remember sex is not a ticket to show true love
Written by Osundiji Ramon.
Osundiji Ramon is a youth counsellor, blogger, writer and a poet. The founder of DE ORA publications, an initiator of DE ORA Talks. A member of Association of Nigerian Authors, a fellow of Jaw Jaw Africa- a body aimed at raising future public speakers Email: osundijiramon@gmail.com