Kandahar Boys: The Tamale Teaching Hospital vigilante attacks: The issues explained

Tamale Teaching Hospital staff threaten strike over Kandahar attacks

However, this isn't the first time such attacks have been meted out to a CEO of the hospital. These attacks transcends Dr. Alkoliiba and it was contained in the press statement the staff released in support of their battered boss.

Pro-government vigilante group, Kandahar Boys caused an uproar earlier this week by storming the office of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Tamale Teaching Hospital, Dr. David Alkolbia to eject him.

Their reason? They accused the CEO of adopting a habit of issuing threats to staff, engaging in procurement breaches and neglecting the purchase of key hospital consumables such as examination gloves, needles and syringes, among others.

They also claim under the leadership of Dr. Alkolbila, the hospital is deteriorating.

This incident has drawn a wide range criticism from civil society groups as well as the staff of the hospital. The nurses and midwives, in a press statement on Tuesday, 14 August 2018, said: “We are by this release registering our utmost disgust in respect of the recent happenings at the Tamale Teaching Hospital regarding the invasion, manhandling and locking of the office of the CEO of the hospital.

READ ALSO: Tamale Teaching Hospital strike over attacks by NPP boys

However, this isn't the first time such attacks have been meted out to a CEO of the hospital. These attacks transcends Dr. Alkoliiba and it was contained in the press statement the staff released in support of their battered boss.

“We are particularly worried that this is not the first time such a thing is happening in TTH. Past CEOs like Dr Nsia Asare, Dr Tapang, Dr Kenneth Sagoe, Dr Prosper Akanbong and now Dr David Kolbilla, have all suffered this violent act from lawless groups of people within Tamale without any repercussions." , they stated.

Dr. Alkolbila's predecessor, Dr. Prosper Akanbong was pushed out in a similar style by the Kandahar Boys a few months President Akufo-Addo took over.

They deemed Dr. Akanbong as an appointee of the previous National Democratic Congress (NDC) government, therefore, since their government is in power, they have to appoint a sympathiser of their party.


Reports suggest that the Group agitated for Dr. Alkolbila and so far disappointed in his leadership style because they thought he will do their bidding.

They accused the CEO of adopting a habit of issuing threats to staff, engaging in procurement breaches and neglecting the purchase of key hospital consumables such as examination gloves, needles and syringes, among others.

READ ALSO: 6 Kandahar Boys arrested over Tamale Hospital attack

The Police in Tamale, on Thursday, arrested the ringleader of the vigilante group. Baba Alhassan was picked up a day after four others who were earlier arrested were released for lack of evidence.

Baba Alhassan and his men in mufti, with bags strapped behind them, invaded the offices of the Tamale Teaching Hospital in vigilante style and instructed the CEO of the hospital Dr David Zaawumya Akolbila to walk out and hand over the keys.

However, the Kandahar Boys have denied their involvement in the attack and have demanded that their leader is immediately released.



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