The prophet, Getayawkal Ayele, tried to bring back the corpse to life by lying on top of him and yelling "Belay wake up."
An aspiring prophet is in police custody after failing to bring a dead body back to life.
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The prophet, Getayawkal Ayele, tried to bring back the corpse to life by lying on top of him and yelling "Belay wake up."
The family of the deceased reportedly attacked Mr Getayawkal after he failed.
He was saved by the police afterwards, and kept in custody.
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The prophet is said to have gone to the family of the decease to tell them he can revive the corpse, by telling them the story of Lazarus - who according to the Bible was brought back to life by Jesus.
The family, said to be of protestant creed, was somehow cajoled and agreed to the proposal from the “prophet.”
Report say some members of the family fainted on the spot while others attacked the prophet after he failed to bring the dead body back to life.
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Police arrived at the scene to rescue and arrest him.