The three things listed below are important actions that happy couples never joke with.
Whether married or not, the pursuit of happiness in the relationship can obviously never be understated.
But how does one maintain that happiness, especially if the relationship is long-term or meant to be forever?
How does one keep another person happy all day, every day and forever?
The truth is all days cannot be sunshine and resplendent colors; but if you do the three things listed below, there will be far more joy in the relationship/marriage than gloom.
1. Learning about each other
Change is only constant, and if you stay with someone long enough, chances are that some of their preferences and opinions will change with time.
Partners need to always be on the lookout for new information about each other. Through observation and by communication you can know the changes happening in your partner’s outlook on life and adapt to it.
That way one person does not outgrow the other to the point that an unbridgeable disconnect is created between them
2. Being affectionate
Dwelling more on the physical part of this; you need to realize that your partner’s body will not remain tight and banging like that forever.
At that stage, your validation is needed more than ever, and your words and actions should show that you are still your partner’s number one fan.
Hold hands, don’t shy away from random kisses… and who says those sneaky booty rubs you used to do in the beginning has to ever stop?
ALSO READ: How to be with a partner whose love language is 'words of affirmation'
3. Always showing effort
It all boils down to the effort you put into the relationship or marriage.
Don’t ever stop trying to impress your babe. Don’t get too comfortable in a relationship to take your partner and their needs for granted.