Relationship & Dating: 5 habits you need to lose in order to find the love of your life

4 lies you don't have to tell to impress a guy

5 things you should consider cutting out so as to become a better person to date and fall in love with.

If love seems to find everyone easily but you, it could be because you are not doing some things right, and that you probably have some behavioural adjustments to make.

Instead of expecting to be taken for who you are, it is better to assess yourself dispassionately to see if you really are the kind of person who should even be taken as they are or not.

Here are some of the things you should consider cutting out if you intend to become a better person to date and/or fall in love with.

1. Self esteem issues

When you keep the thought in your mind that that babe is ‘way out of your league’ or that guy ‘is too good for you,’ you limit yourself greatly in the dating game.


While it is never a good thing to be cocky or too full of yourself, it also a terrible, terrible idea to put yourself so low to the point of thinking you are not good enough for the great guys, or ladies.

You deserve the best, and until you get this into your mind, you’ll still be limited to the jerks and bad relationships.

2. Stop being too picky

Perfection is actually over-hyped, so stop finding fault with everything and everybody.


By being overly picky, you’re going to drive away loads of great people who just have little creases that you could have helped them iron out.

ALSO READ: How to live your best life while waiting for the love of your life

3. Undefined goals

Why are you looking to date without an idea of what you want in mind?

No matter how vague or unclear it might seem [depending on how much you have been disappointed], you just need to have one idea in mind of what you want from potential partners or lovers.

Sort out what you want, and the rest should come less difficultly.


4. Drop the desperation

Somehow, desperation reeks and people can always spot it.

You do not want to be that guy whose desperation can be smelled from a mile away, or the girl nobody wants because they know you’re desperate to marry and settle down.

So cut it out and be calm, will you?

5. Refusal to compromise

You won't always get what you want all the time. Knowing what to let go of, and what to not budge over is very important.

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