Some clits are actually really small. Read on for amazing things you should know about the clitoris.
The clitoris is awesome, stimulating, they're the primary way women have orgasms.
Read on for some helpful information to help uncover things you never knew about the clitoris.
1. Clitorises vary greatly in size
The size really can differ that much, and every size, from the smallest to the largest, is completely normal except you're having pain, in which case, you should see a specialist.
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2. The clitoris ain't the vagina
The vagina and clitoris are two separate parts. It never hurts to hammer this point home, but the term vagina just refers to the tube that connects the vulva to the uterus and cervix.
3. The clitoris isn't just the nub at the top of your vulva
Even though it looks like the small button begins and ends there, the clitoris actually extends deep into the body, all the way down to the mouth of the vagina and also has internal structures as well.
4. Size of the clitoris
Your clitoris at times can actually get bigger. When aroused, blood rushes to the genitals, making your clit actually swell to a larger size.
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5. Not all clit stimulation feels good
The clitoris is actually designed for sensation. But if you're not turned on, any kind of clitoral stimulation might not actually feel good. Basically, it's not a magic doorbell that you can press at any time of day and everything will magically open up for you.