This tour took Pastor Chris to Jordan and Israel, and he was followed by hundreds of his faithful followers.
Recently, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome concluded the 2018 Holy Land Tour for the Christ Embassy Church, and he and his followers experienced several memorable experiences that they would never have experienced without the tour. A lot of planning went into this trip to make sure that it benefited the most believers in Jesus, regardless of where they are from.
This tour took Pastor Chris to Jordan and Israel, and he was followed by hundreds of his faithful followers. The tour allowed Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and his followers to follow in the footsteps of Christ, by visiting all the holy place sites that Christ visited in the scripture of the Bibles. They also got to witness a number of experiences that never happen, which made it even more special for Pastor Chris and those attending him on the tour.
As LoveWorld incorporations reached the Jewish lands, they were welcomed by Christians and Jews alike. It highlighted the close connection of the Christian and Jewish faith, which is rarely forgotten about, and it showed the connections of the Evangelicals that the Holy Land and its people provide.
There were two major events that Chris Oyakhilome’s tour coincided with in Israel. Luckily for everyone attending the tour, they were able to witness these events alongside Pastor Chris. They were there to witness the 70th year of Independence of Israel and the Jewish Land, and they also got to witness the move of the US embassy to the capital Israel, Jerusalem, from Tel Aviv, which was a huge deal for the religious community in Israel.
It was earlier this year that Donald Trump, the President of the United States, made his intentions known about moving the US Embassy. He wanted to show that the US supports Jerusalem, the Holy City, as Israel’s capital, which he accomplished during the Holy Land Tour, which allowed those attending to witness it. Pastor Chris received a personal invitation to attend the event that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized for the move. He was welcomed by Jewish individuals and several members of government, upon attending. The hosts were overwhelmed with joy when world-renowned Pastor Chris Oyakhilome was able to make the event personally.
While visiting, Pastor Chris and his followers were able to visit numerous unforgettable sites. Their visit expanded over an eight-day period. A few of the sites that they were visited during their visit included: the Tomb of Lazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Caesarea, Mount Hertzel, and Abu Gosh. On top of all these sites, a small group of Pastor Chris’s followers were also able to visit several other holy sites dispersed throughout Jordan. They were even able to witness the diversity of the Holy Land. Throughout his stay, his participants and many local observers were able to witness Pastor Chris minister in person several times.
It was truly amazing that people that never would get to hear him in person were able to experience his words and ministry without barriers between them. People that were able to witness his sermons testified that his ministrations were filled with glory and gospel, like no other. They felt that hearing him brought all of them closer to the Lord.
Pastor Chris’s Holy Land Tour was designed for everyone in attendance to have a memorable and once-in-a-lifetime experience, and according to testimonies of those in attendance, it did all of that and more. It provided everyone who attended with excellent opportunities that they would never have been able to witness without the tour, making it an excellent choice for them to spend their time.
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