Sometimes, people have no clue on what next to do when they have gotten married as to keep the vibes up and fun.
You met, chatted; fell in love, got married and now what? Does this sound like you can relate to it?
This seems to be the basic cycle of some relationships and we get to a point that we think either we merely exist in this relationship or we’re just taking it one day at a time. Sometimes, people have no clue on what next to do when they have gotten married as to keep the vibes up and fun. All things working out for good, you are on a long ride so you might as well find ways to spice it up and enjoy it.
Marriage is not the end of the journey but the beginning of it. It is a new chapter in your life so be certain things might appear differently than they looked during dating period and you have to find ways to accommodate and deal with them without compromising on your happiness.
There are things you can only learn and understand about marriage only when you are in it. It comes with its own full package and there might be questions arising in your marriage that you alone can find the right answers to. There is no copy and paste solution anywhere for your marriage as every marriage and everyone in it is unique but you can find some helpful tips here and there from people who are making a success of it that you can tweak and apply to yours to boost it.
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Let’s look at a few of those helpful tips that may help us in marriage
Make sure you love the person you are marrying
This just makes things easier in marriage as love can cover a multitude of imperfections. Loving your spouse can help you see the brighter side of them and help you dwell more on their strengths and not weaknesses. If there is turbulence in the sea of marriage at any time, be sure your love for each other would come in handy
Know when to ignore and be silent
You just don’t have to respond and react to every action from your spouse. There is wisdom in knowing when to ignore, let it go and move on. All the nagging, fights and insults are not worth it and they are very unhealthy and dilute the sweetness of a marriage. Remind yourself that there is always a corresponding reaction to every action from you to your spouse and this will guide you in the right path.
Make your spouse your friend
Sometimes this might not happen overnight especially if it was lacking before you entered into the marriage but it will certainly be a healthy addition and spice to your marriage when some other pillars wobble. I cannot stress enough the importance of this but where everything is down; the friendship you both have built will put up a wall of protection to your marriage. Be each other’s friend, enjoy more the company of your partner, laugh at your jokes, spend more time together and alone, bond over your favourite television shows or over an activity you both enjoy. Don’t let your children come in between both of you as they will always have their times and moments.
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Listen to understand
This is a simple but yet an important tip couples overlook in marriage. That you are quiet and calm when your spouse is talking does not necessarily mean you are listening or paying attention to them. Sometimes, we listen just to pick enough points to respond to. Let it be known to your spouse that you actually listened to his/her concerns and understood from their point of view first.
Have a financial plan for your family
The issue of money has caused many rifts in marriages. Feel free to talk with your spouse about what money is available, how it should be spent and what lifestyle you can afford at any given point in time. Be open about the current financial situation at home and constantly review them as the financial situation changes for good or not so good.
Never stop dating or going on a date with your spouse
Keep going on date nights with your spouse. Go watch movies together, eat out and it doesn’t have to be fancy restaurants if money is an issue, it could just be two of you going out to grab a snack and chat away while enjoying your night out. You can employ the services of grandparents or any other help to babysit if there are children involved. Just find time to go out and spend quality time together…it energises your marriage.
Communication is vital
When information is passed across and it’s not understood by your partner then communication is not yet complete. Do not assume things with your partner; don’t sweep issues under the carpet as they will keep re-surfacing and each time, bigger than before. Set time aside to talk on issues affecting the family, make sure no voice is raised as the purpose will be defeated. Communicate calmly and lovingly without pointing accusing fingers at each other. Don’t bury deep thoughts about your spouse inside of you as you might just end up being a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode.
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Find reasons to praise your spouse
I have not seen a wife who constantly praises her husband both privately and publicly for the good work he does in providing for his family that does not have a man who keeps thriving to do even more and vice-versa. A man who constantly acknowledges his wife’s effort in keeping their home will always have a submissive wife. Praising your spouse will boost their ego and make them want to do more and be better.
Written by Laurel Ake.
Laurel is a motivational speaker, writer, relationship & life coach, inspiring and motivating people to become the best they can be. She believes you can and you should. Facebook: hearttalkwithlaurel.com
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