Faith-based universities have rules and regulations every student is expected to follow.
The bulk of the faith-based tertiary institutions in Nigeria are known for their rules and academic excellence.
The Church owned universities and their Islamic counterparts have a set of rules and regulations designed to guide their students to conform to the doctrines and beliefs of the church or religious groups to which the school is affiliated.
These rules and the punishment for violating them are contained in the students' handbook and no student can claim to be ignorant of the university rules.
In most cases, when a student fails to comply with these rules, the student is either suspended or expelled from the institution.
However, depending on the school, there are so many rules spelt out in the students' handbooks of some of these universities, but here are the five basic ones any student could take for granted, and this amount to a sin in the schools driven by the faith of their founders.
1. Thou shall not wear diabolic materials
If you think wearing Jeans has nothing to do with religious beliefs and academic pursuits, you are wrong. At Covenant University, this is seriously frowned upon. In fact, it is sin.
As stated in the university's students handbook, students are not allowed to wear Jeans, Chinos and Corduroy materials because according to the management, these clothing are diabolic.
2. Thou shall not listen to worldly music
If you think listening to music is the best way you can understand your studies, it depends on the kind of music you are playing.
Covenant University and many other faith-based schools prohibit their students from listening to worldly songs.
You could get expelled for listening to certain songs because the school consider such lyrics ungodly.
3. Thou shall not wear designer glasses and local beads
Hello Fashionistas, Al-Hikmah University in Ilorin might not be the best choice for you if designer glasses and local beads are the best fashion items that compliment your fashion sense.
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4. Thou shall not watch pornography
If there is any offence that attracts immediate expulsion from the Nigerian faith-based institutions, it is the sex-related ones.
The university frowns so much at everything sexy. If you are looking for campus hot legs, you cannot find them in this institution because the rule says all skirts must be five to seven inches below the knees.
5. Thou shall not short skirts and long hair
This applies to both faith-based schools. Institutions like Mountain of Fire University, Babcock University state this in their book rules.
The female students of these universities are not allowed to wear short skirts and long hair on campus. When a student fixes attachment to her hair, the university rules say the extension must not exceed her neck.