Positive Thinking: Why you must not tolerate worries in 2018

I'm not physically or emotionally attracted to my boyfriend.

Worry can weigh you down physically, emotionally, spiritually and any kind of other aspect. Don't let it ruin your new year.

Positive thinking is said to be thinking good thoughts or being optimistic about life generally.

Know that when it comes to positive thinking there is need to clear doubts in other words there is no room for doubt. When you are a positive thinker, you have the strength to look at the good and bad sides of things without fear.

I don’t know why most times people are drawn to the negativity, because to me it’s a toxic attitude. So implementing positive thinking can be a task. You literally have to train your mind to think positive. You have to learn how to put positivity first in your thinking. You need to train your mind to be strong enough to combat negativity whenever it surfaces. Its indeed tasking


It may seem too simple or cheap to think positive, but when you are deep in thinking negatively, it can be quite difficult. You will be naturally inclined to go and probably act to the negative. You really have to make a conscious effort to fight off the negative and only stick with the positive.

It can be a bit difficult but you can do it. You have to fully soak yourself into Productive thinking. You really need to surround yourself with positivity. You have to be very focused on the positive and be committed to pushing away the negative.       

Doing these makes positive thinking easier:       

  • Reading inspirational books.

  • Think, Imagine yourself being positive and act in that way

  • Use positive words daily and encourage people to greatness

  • Put on your smile to speak for you. Its another way to enhance positive thinking       

  • Be persistent with positive drive that gears towards achieving greatness.

  • Identify the reasons you think negative.

  • Stick to feelings of happiness, success and strength.  

  • Do things that make you happy. Surround yourself with happiness.

  • Associate with other positive like minds. Avoid those who speak negatively or who act in a negative manner.     

Believe me becoming a positive thinker is something anyone can do. It is a matter of just investing your mind to it. It is going to be a lot of work, but trust me you can. Positive thinking plays a vital role in individual’s life. A person who thinks positive will end up having and adding a more positive attitude to life and stay cheerful and strong in any situation.

Positive thinking involves being able to see the good things, even at ugly times. It involves being able to turn down negative thoughts and replace with good believe. It will help you grow and be open to success. Through positive attitude, you will be able to allow yourself to start to envision your life as being positive, powerful and productive. It allows you to strongly believe in yourself. It will allow you to believe that you can accomplish greatness if you are truly committed.


Once you start to bring positive thinking into your way, you are going to start seeing and enjoying the aesthetics side of life. There is no doubt that you will begin to see rewards for all your hard work.  You will begin to be able to handle situations better. When something bad happens, you get the courage to move on.

Stop yourself from dwelling on the ugliness of life and start looking for the beauty instead.

To enjoy life be ready to submit yourself to embrace positivity.

Written by Osundiji Ramon

Osundiji Ramon is a youth counselor. He is blogger, writer and a poet. The founder of DE ORA PUBLICATIONS. A member of Association of Nigerian Authors. Jaw Jaw Africa.

Email: osundijiramon@gmail.com

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