Relationship Talk With Bukky: What to do when your boyfriend falsely accuses you of cheating?

Dear Bukky,

I was in a relationship and in the beginning I was bitter, selfish, and I was a liar but I didn't cheat. I hurt this guy bad. But I got treated bad as well. I even had some physical abuse. We were together for four years.

Now he has broken up with me and says the only way he will come back is if I tell him all my secrets and who I cheated with. I have taken 2 polygraph tests that proved I didn't cheat.

I'm obsessed with getting him back and giving him understanding. Why can't I let him go?


Dear reader,

I think you just admitted to the reason why you can’t let him go. You truly may be obsessed with him.

But the truth is, you should no longer be. This is a man you want to let go of, not hold on to. He is a toxic person. If he does not believe after the repeated tests, and all the assurance you gave him, then there really isn’t much you can do about it anymore than let him go. Because, how else can you possibly prove that you have not cheated on him?

If he does not believe after all of this, there’s no chance that he will ever believe and you should respect and value yourself enough to know that this is not how you want to be treated. You have done due diligence in trying to make him see reason with you and that should be enough. It’s time to stop pushing him for a reunion.

I understand that you are obsessed but it’s time to snap out it. I mean, we should even remember that he physically abused you. You really don't need this. You should get out fast. It requires conscious effort, of course but you should be willing and ready to do what is required to wean yourself of this addiction and obsession to him.

There are many other men who would be willing to have you and treat you in a manner that’s right by you.


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