Below are great ways to become totally indispensable to your employer.
Having a job is great but that is only half the battle. Apart from holding to this job, you also have to ensure that you are good at it, so good that you become irreplaceable at work.
Sounds like a lot of work right? But don't worry, Business Insider Sub-Saharan Africa has got you covered.
Here is how to make yourself even more valuable to your boss:
Know your company's vision and buy into it
Most companies have a vision, a collective goal everyone should be working towards. So it goes without saying that buying into this vision will certainly make you even more valuable to your employer.
You do this by figuring out how you fit into this vision and what you can do to help the company achieve this goal. The more you buy into this vision, the higher your chances for success and becoming irreplaceable get.
Have a positive attitude
According to bestselling management author and CNBC contributor Suzy Welch, the right one will help you excel at your office. It goes without saying that the negative one will certainly cost you your job.
"When you get right down to it, there are really just two types of people in the world," she tells CNBC Make It. "And for the sake of your career, you better figure out which one you are."
These two categories are the energy-giver or energy-taker.
Welch says, "You've definitely seen both. Energy-givers are filled with positivity, they're solution-focused, they always leave you feeling invigorated. Energy-takers, with their negativity or neediness, or both - they tend to suck the oxygen out of the room."
No one wants to work with an employee with a nasty attitude, who is always scowling and complaining. This kind of energy is certainly enough to make you lose your job.
Cue Skepta and Wizkid's 'Bad Energy (Stay Far Away).'
ALSO READ: An HR exec who's worked at Starbucks and Coach shares the best way to impress your boss
Don't stop learning
For many people, something happens once they get that dream job or position. As soon as the desired goal is achieved, they get comfortable and stop learning. This is the quickest way to become jobless.
In order to remain irreplaceable, you have to remain hungry, keep learning and becoming better at your craft. This will turn you into a valuable asset to your company and ensure that you are never out of a job.
With this, Andy Teach, author of From Graduation to Corporation, and host of the YouTube channel FromGradToCorp says, "you will become the go-to person on these matters which makes your knowledge and skills even more valuable compared to those who aren't staying current."
Be smart but do not be a know it all
There is a thin line between being really smart and being annoying know it all. While your employer will appreciate a smart worker no one wants a Mr/Mrs Know it all.
This is confirmed by Jack Welch, former legendary CEO at General Electric, author, commentator, and Executive Chairman of the Jack Welch Management Institute.
In one of his books, he writes, "The first and perhaps most frustrating way that some people blow leadership is by being know-it-alls. They can tell you how the world works, what corporate is thinking, how it will backfire if you try this or that, and why you can't change the product one iota. They even know what kind of car you should be driving. Sometimes these blowhards get their swagger from a few positive experiences. But usually, they're just victims of their own bad personalities. And you and your company are victims, too. Because know-it-alls aren't just insufferable, they're dangerous. They don't listen, and that "deafness" makes it very hard for new ideas to get heard, debated, expanded, or improved. No single person, no matter how smart, can take a business to its apex. For that, you need every voice heard. And know-it-all leadership creates a deadly silence."
While Welch speaks specifically to leaders, this definitely applies to everyone from the cleaner to the CEO since we are all leaders in one way or another.