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On Monday, December 10, experts and practitioners from 83 countries in the field of drug use prevention and treatment will gather in Nairobi, Kenya for the fourth annual workshop of the International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals (ISSUP). Assistant Secretary Kirsten D. Madison of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) will deliver opening remarks at this high-level international forum, and speak at several of the trainings and experts meetings aimed at advancing best practices in reducing drug demand.
The December 10-14 global gathering, representing the largest ISSUP event to date and the first in Africa, will convene doctors, scientists, academics, policymakers, and drug treatment practitioners to share knowledge of the latest evidence-based methods to prevent drug use and treat those with substance use disorders. The Kenyan government and the African Union are partnering with the ISSUP organization to arrange this international event.
For the United States, bringing scientifically-validated research to bear in the fight against drug addiction is a crucial element of reducing drug use globally, and advancing U.S. counternarcotics goals.
While in Kenya, Assistant Secretary Madison will also meet government officials with whom INL partners in advancing the U.S.-Kenya Strategic Framework. Her meetings will focus on U.S.-Kenya cooperation to pursue our shared goals, including in the area of Kenyan police accountability. In addition, she will pay site visits and meet with anti-wildlife trafficking partners in Kenya to discuss holistic approaches to security and countering the threat of wildlife trafficking in the region.