TattooAge is a Dutch project showcasing elderly people with ink. The aim is to highlight that you're never too old to have a tattoo.
- GetOud is a photo series designed to show there's no such thing as being too old for a tattoo.
- The project is the work of two Dutch women and features 25 tattooed elderly people.
- The majority of subjects got their tattoos over the age of 50.
An argument many people use for why people shouldn't get tattoos is that they'll regret it when they're older, or that it won't look good on ageing skin.
But two Dutch women have come together to prove that isn't the case.
Ingrid Meijering and Marion Duimel are the team behind GetOud: a photo series showcasing 25 people over the age of 65, all of whom have tattoos.
Some did indeed get inked in their younger years, but the majority got their tattoos during the past 10 years.
Photo subject Toos, for example, started to feel old at the age of 79, so decided to shave part of her head and get some tattoos to keep her feeling young, and now particularly enjoys wearing sleeveless tops to show off her tats.
Meijering and Duimel hope their three-year project will help show people you're never too old to get a tattoo.
Scroll down to see how tattoos look on ageing bodies.