Do you know what else can make you feel good? Enjoying a little solo play.
Masturbation is a healthy and safe way not only to turn yourself on, but also to relieve stress, improve your sleep, and release built-up sexual tension.
Solo play has supreme health benefits and absolutely no downsides. Read on to learn more about masturbating with a penis.
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1. Get the mood set
Masturbation doesn’t have to be a quickie in the bathroom. You can plan your alone time just like you would anything else and set yourself up for some quality "alone time."
2. Switching positions
There’s no reason to stick to the same routine while masturbating. Instead, add some excitement by switching up positions. If you’re always standing, try leaning against a counter or the wall, with your hips pushed forward. If you’re always lying down, try sitting up, either on your bed or in a chair.
3. Don't rush
Masturbation doesn’t have to be rushed — unless, of course, that’s what you’re into. Feel free to slow down and explore what makes you feel good. You can experiment with speed, strokes, positions, hands, toys, and more during a solo session.
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4. Change hands
Changing hands, just like switching positions, can cause different sensations that could lead to intense ejaculation. You may be able to widen your pleasure zone by using your non-dominant hand to masturbate. Or try holding your penis against your stomach and stroking the underside of your shaft quickly with your non-dominant hand.
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