Boring Jide surprises Linda with the best sex of her life part 7{R-18+}

Boring Jide surprises Linda with the best sex of her life

Her pussy squeezed so hard that Jide was forced to stop for a moment while another splash of her juices hit him.

When a body wave of muscle-contracting pleasure hit her, a tiny squirt of her juices escaped her. She did not normally squirt, but Jide had her whole body locked in orgasm and was hitting her insides hard enough to bruise.

She was still on her elbows, and when she raised her shoulders so she could look down the valley of her body between her hanging breasts, she could see the juices she was leaking drip.

Unintentionally, she crept away from Jide to try and escape the assault, but Jide's free hand reached out to hook her hip and trap her.

ALSO READ: Boring Jide surprises Linda with the best sex of her life part 6{R-18+}

And he continued. She squirted again, just a little, and this time she managed to keep her eyes open to see the tiny splash of clear juices hit Jide's knees. Muscles squeezed and her body shook with the forced pleasure that was quickly growing painful, but her trembling betrayed her.

Another sharp clench of her cunt and again, another little splash of her juices. She was not able to keep her eyes open this time, and buried her face in the pillow she had started squeezing without knowing. The poor pillow had become nothing but shredded material.

She tried to crawl away one last time, but Jide's grip was absolute. Usually, she would have the strength to pull away, easily at that, but her body was trembling with sparks of pleasure forcing their way down her thighs and into her toes. She could not find a second's pause to displace him! All she could do was remain on her elbows and knees, ass raised for her lover, while he fingered her.

The sparks of bliss spread out from her center, filled her, made her eyes roll upward and her thighs quiver. Her breasts swayed beneath her, and her muscles milked at the fingers prying her open.

When she squirted yet again, the amount was not so small. Her pussy squeezed so hard that Jide was forced to stop for a moment while another splash of her juices hit him. Her eyes rolled upward, her usually quiet voice came out in squeaks, and her ass raised higher into the air on shaking legs and toes. Reduced to a shivering, whimpering thing, cumming so hard she could not speak even if she wanted to.

Eventually, Jide let go of her hip. She collapsed onto her side, hip to the bed and one half of her face resting on the pillow. Laying there, she could not stop quivering as orgasm waves worked up and down through her. They started from between her thighs, rose up through her chest, into her breasts, and up to the back of her neck to make her eyes roll, before going down through her legs and into her toes.

Her current state was very awkward, but trapped in orgasm aftershocks, she could not summon the will to care. She could only lay there and let the pleasure waves continue. Half a minute later, she finally found the strength to lift her head and look at Jide.

ALSO READ: Boring Jide surprises Linda with the best sex of her life part 5{R-18+}Erotica

Jide had been watching. The moment they made eye contact, Jide straddled her leg closest to the bed and hooked her other leg over his shoulder. He kept her leg there with one hand, while his other wrapped around his dick, and he guided it toward her opened, leaking pussy.

Her orgasm had only just settled, and her cunt was still suffering seizures of pleasure that made her tremble each time. Perhaps that was what the Jide wanted. There was a look of voracious hunger on his face as he pushed the dripping lips of her cunt, and when she trembled or wiggled with more sparks of pleasure, he moaned with apparent satisfaction.

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