Better safe than sorry.
Going on dates with a guy is no longer as straightforward as what we’ve always known it to be.
On a normal day, when a guy starts to show interest and requests for a date with a babe, it is expected that he would take her to a place within his means, somewhere nice. Whether indoor or outdoor, one would expect such place to be conducive for conversations and provide the opportunity to bond over the course of the date.
With few ridiculous viral stories coming out of dates in recent times, it would appear that not many guys know exactly how these things should be. Remember when this guy spent less than #5K on a date and went on a social media rant when his date partner refused to give him at least a peck on the cheek?
And of course, how could you have forgotten the guy who recently took a babe out on a date, racked up 83k on the bill with her, and snuck out of the restaurant, leaving her to deal with the bill all by herself!
Obviously, before going out, particularly with a new guy these days, it seems quite logical to ask few questions, no matter awkward they are. Simply because it is better to be safe than sorry and also to avoid stories that touch.
How do I dress? Time and place of the date are obvious ones to ask but these other questions below are just as important.
So, what are the awkward but necessary questions you may have to ask before going out on a date with a new guy?
ALSO READ: How much exactly is too much to spend on a date?
1. Who’s footing the bill?
Now this has become really necessary because opinions are diverse and becoming quite numerous on how bills should be settled after a night/day out.
Ideally, whoever asks the other party out on a date should be the one picking up the tabs afterwards but these days people are going dutch [splitting bills] a lot.
So ask what his idea of a date is. So you can reply the invitation accordingly.
2. Are you expecting anything from this?
Now this may really be an awkward one to ask, but hey, better awkward than regretful.
There is the risk that you may sound desperate or too much of a prude if you throw this question at him just because he’s inviting you for a date but really, it does not hurt to be certain.
Some guys out here actually think that spending on an expensive date earns them the automatic access to your body or some parts of it.
It’s why there are guys who try to rub your thighs under the table at a night out, or lean in for a kiss after the night ends. Some may even expect a night cap.
It is unlikely that every guy is like this, but you never can tell who is and who is not.
Better safe than sorry.