5 ways to make your clothes smell good


Just follow this easy laundry guide to give your clothes the invigorating scent boost you are looking for.

Wearing clothes that smell good makes energized and confident at work. It feels great to open your closet or open your bag and feel a whiff of clean and fresh smell. 

One of the best ways to make sure that your clothes don't have any lingering mustiness is to wash them with a detergent and fabric conditioner with odor-fighting properties in the first place.

But sometimes even the right detergent isn't enough the smell you wish for. Here are other ways captivate smell in your life.

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  • Leave your closet open

When you leave your closet open, particularly in rainy season, it can help ease out unpleasant closet odors. This is one of the promising ways to make your clothes smell good.

  • Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds smells good and has the power to absorb foul odors. To get rid of the stink in your clothes, then place a can of grounds in your closet. Poke a few holes in the container having coffee grounds, close the lid and then keep it in the wardrobe. Keep changing the can once a month.

  • Air fresheners

To avoid overpowering scent, when the air freshener is your car is almost finished,  hang it in the back of your closet or tuck it away in the back of a dresser drawer. The amount of fragrance it should have left will be enough to keep your clothes smelling great.

  • Use fragrant laundry detergent

One of the ways to make your clothes smell good and fresh is by using a fragrant laundry detergent to wash. Try and avoid using ordinary soap.

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  • Having a signature fragrance

It’s good to use different perfumes but sometimes sticking to one defines your personality. When you have a knack of wearing good perfumes, the impact gets carried in your wardrobe items as a result of consistent wear. There are wardrobe scents that come in different colors.

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