British Airways owns the largest flight simulator facility in the UK, which houses 16 of the $13-million machines. Pilots train around 50 hours inside before ever getting into a real plane. We spent only an hour inside to learn how to take off, fly and land a plane, so how did we get on?
- Business Insider spent an hour inside British Airways' Airbus A380 flight simulator.
- The carrier owns 16 simulators in total, which cost $13 million each.
- Pilots spend around 50 hours training in a simulator before ever flying a real airplane.
We visited British Airways Technical Block A, which is home to 16 flight simulators making it the biggest flight simulator facility in the UK.
British Airways Captain Claire Bunton taught us how to fly the Airbus A380, which is the biggest commercial airplane in the world. We learned how to take off, fly, and land the giant aircraft.
BA pilots spend around 50 hours inside the simulator as part of their training, but we only spent one hour inside.
See how we did with just one hour of training.
Produced and filmed by David Ibekwe. Additional Camera by Charlie Floyd. Special Thanks to Britsih Airways.