Scientists from the University of Athens studied 660 guys who followed a Mediterranean diet, which is high in in fruit and vegetables, legumes, fish, nuts, and olive oil.
The Mediterranean diet has been linked to lower cancer risk and a healthier heart. And now, it's been linked to a better sex life, according to new research.
Scientists from the University of Athens studied 660 guys who followed a Mediterranean diet, which is high in in fruit and vegetables, legumes, fish, nuts, and olive oil.
It found that only one-fifth of the men, who were 67 years old on average, reported erectile dysfunction, according to Newsweek. In comparison, estimates show that 52 percent of men between 40 and 70 years old deal with erectile dysfunction, according to John Hopkins Medicine.
This research was presented at the European Society of Cardiology conference in Munich and has not yet been published.
The study recommends eating nine tablespoons of olive oil, 13 servings of vegetables, six pieces of fruit, three servings of fish and two portions of beans a week to decrease risk, reported Newsweek. However, study authors believe olive oil is especially beneficial because it keeps blood vessels healthy. This is important because the penis relies on a steady supply of blood to maintain erections.
“Men that follow a Med diet – particularly consuming lots of olive oil – see their risk of impotence reduced by up to 40 per cent in older age," lead researcher Dr. Christina Chrysohoou told the paper. “It offers men a long-term solution without taking any medication, such as Viagra."
But could this cooking staple really be the secret to stronger erections?
Does it actually work?
"People should not take away from the article that olive oil itself is some magical cure or preventative for erectile dysfunction," Dr. Nathan Starke, urologist at Houston Methodist, told MensHealth.com in an email.
Dr. Miguel Pineda, Director of Male Sexual Dysfunction and Urologic Prosthetics at Staten Island University Hospital, agrees that dousing your food in olive oil isn't the solution.
"It is important to realize that there is no quick-fix to prevent or cure erectile dysfunction," he tells MensHealth.com in an email. "My concern is that people will see a headline about olive oil preventing erectile dysfunction, and they will continue with their usual unhealthy diet and lack of exercise and simply consume spoonfuls of olive oil to their day!"
Adapting healthier habits overall, like exercising and following the Mediterranean diet, could help with impotence.
The diet notably benefits your heart because it includes good fat and plenty of fruits and vegetables. This may help with erections because "what is good for the heart and blood vessels is good for erectile function, which relies on small arteries to provide the blood it needed for penile engorgement," Starke explains. "So in that regard, I agree with the article."
Plus, you could follow the Mediterranean diet to drop a few pounds, and studies have shown that extra weight is linked to erectile dysfunction, as MensHealth.com has previously reported. If you're dealing with impotence and are at least 20 percent heavier than your ideal weight, then adopting a healthier diet may be a good strategy.