All the good memories created and treasured in that relationship could be ruined with that singular act.
There’s usually nothing pleasant about getting dumped, regardless of time, day and place of occurrence. It becomes extra worse if the mode happens to be through text message or a DM on social media.
Just as it is basic dating knowledge that you don’t bring someone else along on a date, it is also common knowledge that as far as breakups are concerned, it is the most common knowledge that breaking up with someone over text isn’t a great idea.
Despite this ‘common’ knowledge, breaking up over text is still rampant in modern relationships, particularly among millennials.
In a poll published on Imgur in January 2018, 57% of the total subjects admit to breaking up with someone over text message, and a whopping 69 percent of Millennials said they had been on the receiving end of a breakup text before.
"Social media and online dating have created a lack of connectedness when dating," Jonathan Bennett, Dating/Relationship Expert and owner of The Popular Man, tells Bustle.
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"People used to date within their social and community circles... so it created an incentive to avoid bad behavior (like breaking up over text)… but, given the impersonal nature of dating today, it’s very unlikely breaking up over text will result in any social consequences.
"So, people go with their impulse to take the easy way out, which is breaking up over text," he adds.
Simply put, a lot of us don't like confrontation, and the reality is that breaking up via text is a lot less confrontational than telling someone face-to-face that things aren't working out.
But when you dump someone via text, not only is it unfair and hurtful, you’ll also appear to be taking the coward's way out. It leaves your partner with basically no sense of closure, which can make it super difficult for them to move on.
It’s impersonal, leaves you unable to have a real conversation about what went wrong in your relationship, and has been regarded as disrespectful in some other instances.
It is better and more dignified to breakup with face to face conversations with both partners present in that moment. If not for any other reason, for memory’s sake.