Nowadays he treats me in ways I don't even understand anymore.
Dear Bukky,
Im 23 and I fell in love with a 26-year-old man but nowadays he treats me in a way I don't understand.
He left me at his place, claiming that he had gone to get something from town and I waited there at his place. Only for him to call and say he went for an outing with friends.
He returned sometime close to midnight and found me in a bad mood. He slept off almost immediately because he had a hangover. I checked his phone because I could access his phone with my finger print. What I found was that he was with another lady enjoying everything and when I woke him up, he pretended to not know anything and this hurt me so much.
The next morning, I left his place and he never even escorted me and since then he has not been in his real senses.
Now what should I do to bring him back dearest?
Dear reader,
I think you should do nothing. Don’t get yourself worked up. You are not the one in the wrong here. It is he who should be thinking of how to appease you.
Doing anything to bring him back might be tantamount to giving him too much power over you. If he goes wrong, he should apologise. If you go wrong, you apologise.
And that’s even when the offense is something not as grave as cheating.
In a case of cheating as this one, even his plea for forgiveness should not automatically grant him reentry into your life. Now that he’s even refusing to offer any, it means you should take a step back and think about all of this again. What’s his refusal to reach out telling you? What’s his aloofness and remorselessness about all of this telling you?
If you’re not getting the vibe that you are not that valued by this man, I think you should start thinking in that line already. If he had shown remorse and look genuinely sorry, then there could have been a chance of acceptance but with his refusal to reach out to you despite the disrespectful, thoughtless thing he did, I do think you should not be the one begging him or trying to mend bridges.
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