Pulse Blogger: PVC struggle:Why the average Nigerian youth may not vote this coming elections.

PVC struggle:Why the average Nigerian youth may not vote this coming elections.

As a young Nigerian youth eager to express her right to vote I knew getting my PVC was the first step to fulfilling that dream of voting in the forthcoming 2019 elections.

I however never anticipated the numerous struggles I would have to overcome to get my PVC.

Excitement short-lived

I walked to the INEC  approved registration center which was a primary school with excitement because I was so convinced that getting my PVC (Permanent Voters Card) was the right step to take in expressing my human right to vote. It was 7am when I arrived the registration center, meeting a huge crowd of people of different age groups all waiting to get their PVC.

I quickly asked the people I met there when they arrived and if they have been addressed. I was very surprised when I heard from some of the people there came as early as 4:30am so that they could write their names on the list early enough and that they have not been addressed whatsoever because the INEC officials who are supposed to do the registration were not around.

The thought that some people got there before the crack of dawn to write their names while I was still fast asleep automatically made me feel like it was going to be a long day but I was still convinced that it would be possible for me to get my PVC that day.

I got the list and wrote my name I was No. 204 so much for wanting to be the first. Like everyone there I sat somewhere quietly waiting for the INEC officials I used the time to study the people around me waiting there were men and women of all ages, obvious social and political backgrounds and orientations so on. We waited for two hours plus before the INEC officials arrived at that time some of the people already left because they were tired of waiting without any activity.

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The INEC officials took another 45minutes to set up which involved them setting up their one laptop, arranging tables, having their breakfast, yes they ate their breakfast before all of us who have been waiting for almost three hours without food or water.  One of the officials finally decided to address us, he proceeded to give us a full fledge speech about PVC why we need it, who is eligible for it and so on, most which we already knew. His speech took another 40 minutes because he proceeded to do a Q and A session where he answered questions asked by people.

After his speech he proceeded to call out what he said was the first 60 names for registration according to the list. Only 40 people out of those 60 names called were present so 40 forms where given. The rest of us who weren’t called went back to wait for the next batch of names he promised will be called in a jiffy.

Unfortunately for us that never happened we waited for another 4 to5 hours before we were finally told our names will not be called that day and we were advised to come back the following day. Leaving the registration center I had lost my excitement because I didn’t achieve anything the whole day.

Reoccurring disappointment.

The following day I went back to the registration center and I couldn’t still get registered after waiting the whole day, we were advised to return the next day. I returned the next day with the mindset that surely I would get my PVC that day but unfortunately for me that didn’t happen, as usual we were advised to return the next day after long, hungry, tired hours of waiting.

Giving up

At this point I got fed up, ‘Is it by force to vote sef?’ ‘What’s the need for going through this kind of stress to vote at elections which are usually neither free nor fair?’ These questions kept popping in my head. I spoke to a few friends of mine trying to get their PVC’s also and their stories seemed even worse than mine some of them attested to trying to get their PVC’s for almost 2 weeks and while a good number have given up because they feel it is not worth it, some others say they shall keep trying every day until they have it or until the deadline.

These few inspired me to keep trying so I decided to return another time to try again.

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Trying again

This time I went straight to the INEC office nearest to me which was very far from my house but I felt go hard or go home. So I took the journey to INEC office and on getting there to my surprise I didn’t meet a lot of people and through divine favor I finally got registered after a lot of hours of waiting and watching people come and go and come again.

I felt relief when I had my TVC (temporary voter’s card usually issued before the PVC is ready) in my hand. I could finally sleep like a baby without the worry or guilt of getting my PVC. The struggles I encountered while trying to procure the PVC shows how degraded our system is in Nigeria due to negligence by the government.

Why would an eligible voter have to undergo such struggles just to get their PVC? This is the reason why so many of them are on the streets refusing to put themselves through the stress and struggles of the PVC process. For me it was a worthwhile struggle but not everyone thinks that way.

The whole time I thought to myself “If we decide to not get our PVC’s because of these struggles due to our horrible system, how then do we vote in the forthcoming elections to overthrow for a better Nigeria?

Written by Destiny Awata

Destiny Awata (@deeawata) is a lifestyle blogger and content creator who advocates living your best life. She aspires to inspire with her words while travelling the world, writing and photographing city to city. She writes thought provoking pieces, you can check out her blog www.deeawata.wordpress.com and connect with her on social media @deeawata

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