Researchers are recruiting 1,000 volunteers who will either eat one avocado a day for six months or eat only two avocados a month for the same period of time, according to a study website from Loma Linda University, one of the school's associated with the project.
Anyone who's splurged to add guac to their Chipotle for an extra $2 knows that avocados are expensive. Now there's a way to not only get free avocados, but also get paid to eat them.
Researchers are recruiting 1,000 volunteers who will either eat one avocado a day for six months or eat only two avocados a month for the same period of time, according to a study website from Loma Linda University, one of the school's associated with the project.
The goal is to determine whether eating an avocado a day impacts belly fat, KESQ, a CBS affiliate in Palm Springs, reports. However, participants will be randomly assigned to one of these groups, so you may not necessarily get to eat your fill of guac.
Aside from eating (or barely eating) avocados, volunteers need to participate in two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sessions, interviews, memory tests, and clinic visits. In return, everyone will be rewarded with the required avocado stash needed for the study and get paid $300 for their efforts.
The study will be conducted by researchers at Loma Linda University, Penn State University, Tufts University and the University of California, Los Angeles. Each school will recruit 250 people who live in the city where the university is based.
Participants need to be at least 25 years old and have a waist measurement of at least 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women.
Although eating the popular fruit daily might seem like a dream for many people, it's bound to get boring after six months of avocado-filled breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. If you do get picked for the study, you may want to check out some creative ways to eat avocados.