If you ever wondered how a partner treats you when you're not priority to them, here are five signs to watch out for.
Being in a relationship with someone presupposes the idea that you are important in their life, as they should be in yours. So if you ever get the vibe that you are not prioritised by your partner, then you can be sure there's a problem somewhere and that the relationship is less than ideal.
If you have ever wondered how a partner treats you when you're not priority, here are five signs to watch out for:
1. Special occasions aren't so special
Special occasions matter. It's not about the gift, it's about the effort, and if there's not much effort on the part of your partner, it could show that you're not a priority
2. They use you for sex
A real, committed partner is more than a bed warmer.
So if someone prioritises you, you will be their go-to person when they need to talk, play, when they need an ear to listen, etc, and not just when they need to satisfy their craving for sex.
3. They don't make time for you
There's a big difference between not having time and not making time. People make time for things they care about, no matter how tight their schedule is.
If your partner has time for everything else but you, it speaks volumes about how much he prioritises you. You're pretty low on the priority list, by the way.
4. Their plans don't involve you
Obviously, someone who does not create time with you will hardly ever make plans that involve you.
So if their friends and family get all their time, and you get the scraps, you're probably not close to the top on their list of important people.
Even in their non-immediate plans, you are not there.
5. You feel like the only one in the relationship
If everything they do make you feel undervalued, under-appreciated and alone in the relationship, this could also be a pointer to the idea that you are less than a priority in the relationship.
You could be in a relationship with him/her, and they are not in a relationship with you. If you ever feel as though you've already been dumped, even though you're still in a relationship, then, obviously something isn't right and needs to be addressed.