Delegates in excess of the number were accommodated in the annex rooms with live streaming of the proceedings of inaugural and plenary sessions.
The stage for holding the scheduled September 7-9 World Hindu Congress (WHC-18) in Chicago is set with the targeted general category registration of 1,800.
The registration was open for non-North American special category which will be for 200 delegates that makes the total number as 2,000 delegates, which is the capacity of the grand ballroom of Hotel Westin in Lombard of Chicago, the venue for inaugural and plenary sessions.
Delegates in excess of the number were accommodated in the annex rooms with live streaming of the proceedings of inaugural and plenary sessions.
Regarding arrangements for the comfort of guests and delegates from around the world, volunteers and office bearers of the respective committees are taking utmost and minute care.
The delegation from the Hindu Monastery of Africa includes a former Communications Minister, Victoria Hamah.
Victoria Hammah also happens to be the representative of the Women and Female Youth of the Monastery.
Other members of the delegation are Mr. Attoh - the President and Mr. Sarpong, youth leader of the Monastery.
The Hindu Monastery of Africa observes most of the major auspicious days and festivals in the Hindu mythology such as Ayyappa, Maha Shivaratri, Krishna Janmashtami, Ganesh Chaturthi, Navratri, Gayatri Jayanti etc.
About Hindu monastery of Africa
The Hindu Monastery of Africa was established in 1975 under the auspices of His Holiness Swami Krishnanand Saraswati.
Creditably the first indigenous Ghanaian Hindu temple dedicated to the teachings of Sanatana Dharama, witnessed in March 1975, the initiation of the first black African monk, His Holiness Swami Ghananand Saraswati into the divine order of Sanyasi.
Until 2016, when Swami Ghananand attained divine transition (Samadhi), the Hindu Monastery of Africa under divine leadership of the same, has expanded and built five more branches in three regions of Ghana and one branch in Togo.
After the attainment of Samadhi, His Holiness Swami Satyanand assumed the leadership of the Hindu Monastery of Africa and became its second monk.