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The Joint Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) today continued listening to oral presentations in Parliament on whether an amendment of Section 25 of the Constitution is necessary to effect expropriation of land without compensation.
The committee today heard 10 organisations that included, the National House of Traditional Leaders, South African Human Rights Commission, Helen Suzman Foundation, Indigenous First Nation Advocacy South Africa (IFNASA) and AfriForum. Several faith based organisations also addressed the committee on the matter. This includes the Southern African Catholic Bishops and Every Nation Church.
The Co-Chairperson of the committee, Mr Lewis Nzimande had much praise for all presenters as their contributions will take the process forward. "It was overall a good day. Emotions ran a bit high when Members of Parliament felt insulted by the manner in which the presentation was delivered by AfriForum. It is a pity they wasted the opportunity to contribute on a way forward for all South Africans as their presentation did not speak to the subject matter of whether the Constitution should be amended to allow for expropriation without compensation" said Mr Nzimande.
IFNASA told the committee that it wants recognition from South Africa as the first nation of the country. It further disputed that it was driving a wedge between indigenous people of the land and said it never said that all land belongs to Khoi and San people. First Nation Church said land reform must be informed by biblical principles.
The House of Traditional Leaders expressed its support for the amendment of the Constitution to allow for expropriation of land without compensation, but said that should exclude land under traditional leaders. The Helen Suzman Foundation said expropriation without compensation cannot be justified if the beneficiaries come from the wealthier sectors of society. The South African Human Rights Commission told the committee that women should benefit from land redistribution.
The Foundation for Human Rights said there are instances where compensation needs not to follow expropriation.
Mr Nzimande said this is a continuation of the process that happened in all the provinces and is another attempt by the committee to deliver on its mandate of the facilitation of public participation.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Republic of South Africa: The Parliament.