I fall into the former and, therefore, getting hot and heavy in the a.m. isn't exactly the first thing on my radar when I wake up.
In my opinion there are two types of morning people: Those who are all "no talkie before coffee" and those who are ready to go at the crack of dawn.
I fall into the former and, therefore, getting hot and heavy in the a.m. isn't exactly the first thing on my radar when I wake up.
Well, apparently I'm not the only one, because more than 63 percent of women never have morning sex, according to a recent survey by Mattress Advisor. (Yeah, like, ever.)
Of the nearly 1,000 people surveyed, 56 percent were female and 43 percent male with an average age of 36. All participants were in a relationship and living with their partner.
They were asked about their morning sex frequency, and then separated into two groups based on their answers: those who reported having morning sex (even rarely), and those who reported never having morning sex (63 percent of women, and 37 percent of men). Also interesting? Participants who identified as straight had morning sex less frequently per month compared to those who identified as bisexual or gay.
Among the women who skipped their a.m. sesh, 50.7 percent said it was because they were "not in the mood." While 35.6 percent of women reported they didn't have enough time, 34.2 said they didn't like morning sex, and 32.9 didn't have enough energy.
In that same group, 51 percent of men said they'd like to have regular morning sex, while only 20 percent of women said the same.
Participants said morning sex took them about 26 minutes, on average.
That's honestly a shame, because of the 37 percent of women who were all about that a.m. sex sesh, more than 45 percent said it boosts their daily productivity. Fifty-three percent of men in the survey reported the same.
In fact, on average, those women would even sacrifice 31 minutes of sleep for morning action, while men were willing to fork over 42 minutes.
Among the morning sex group, more men reported it as being a regular part of their agendathan women (4.2 times a week vs. 3.1). Of course, even in this group, time was also a big factor-participants noted morning sex took them about 26 minutes on average-so the majority of respondents said Saturday and Sunday were their prime days for getting busy with the sunrise.
And among all participants, those who said they were satisfied with their relationship reported having more morning sex than those who said they were dissatisfied. Of course, there's no saying which came first, the happiness or the morning sex-but it's interesting food for thought, nevertheless.
So could kicking off your day with sex be the answer to productivity and joy? Perhaps, but it really all comes personal preference. I mean, a solid day planner has a way of making a girl feel productive too, am I right?