Collins was arrested over a month ago by the Police on the suspicion of being part of a robbery gang.
A 40-year-old man has died in Police cells after reportedly being tortured by some Police officers.
The deceased, identified as Collins Merz, used to operate a drinking bar at Tepa in the Ashanti region.
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Collins was arrested over a month ago by the Police on the suspicion of being part of a robbery gang.
He was subsequently transferred to the Central Police Station in Kumasi, as he waited to be prosecuted.
However, the suspect died in the cells, an incident which his family have linked to alleged severe torture he endured at the hands of some Police officers.
Family of the deceased has since accused the officers at the Central Police Station of torturing their relative to death.
Speaking to Accra-based Starr FM, brother of the deceased, Richard Merz, said they suspect he was tortured after finding bruises all over his corpse.
He accused one of the officers of punishing the suspect all the way from Tepa by putting cement blocks on his head.
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“There are bruises all over his body, his face, his chest, his stomach and all over his body. They tortured him, the torturing even started from Tepa.
“The crime officer at Tepa put him in a room and put blocks on his body,” Richard said.
Meanwhile, the Police has denied torturing the suspect to death, maintaining that he died after collapsing in the cells.