Men pose to women as adept sexual partners when in reality, they're not even above the level of cluelessness. This article tries to explain why they do this.
When it comes to sexual behaviours, some things have become quite common. For example, when talking about body count, it is widely believed that women downplay while men overplay the number of times they’ve actually had sex. And the exaggeration is not limited to that.
Generally, men are known to also blow their own trumpets too loudly when it comes to their sexual abilities and sexual behaviours.
During sex chats, some men have been known to promise potential partners that they would “show you pepper”, “give it to you so bad that you’ll hardly be able to walk afterwards…” and on and on like that. Of course, most of them do not live up to the self-hype, leaving too many women disappointed and really frustrated.
The question now is why do men do this? Why do they exaggerate their sexual abilities?
A very easy explanation for this is the problematic sexual orientation that seems so widespread among people - both men and women.
Many women see sex as something they ‘give’ men. They do not see sex as a mutual agreement between two people. In their minds, men need to convince them to have sex. So in an effort to do this, the men paint very pretty pictures to them, saying just about anything to get these women to open up. A guy who can’t last more than 30 seconds will make himself appear like a stud who can actually hold out for as long as a woman wants.
ALSO READ: 10 most common lies men tell women
Also consider the hype that has been created around men who are well hung. The prevalent [wrong] mindset is that guys with bigger sexual organs are far better at sex than those who aren’t. So a guy realizes this and makes himself sound like the ‘biggest’ guy ever, whereas he isn’t anywhere close.
Another reason why guys exaggerate their sexual prowess is to feed their egos. A guy who has been with many women is regarded by other guys as a superior being.
So in a gathering of guys, the one who can read out the highest number of females he has ‘conquered’ is seen as The Baddest Guy, The OG, The Legend… and other ego-inflating titles like that. If you can earn your guys’ respect by just tweaking the numbers a bit, why not?
Overall, what makes guys exaggerate, whether it is their sexual abilities or other things, is to make themselves appear better and more efficient than they really are.
So the next time a guy sings a tune depicting himself as the quintessential sexual partner, think twice before dancing to his tune.