The Nigerian singer and philanthropist told the youth that after over 50 years of independence the current levels of poverty across African nations have a common denominator, which one word is, corruption!
Today, ONE Campaigns anti-corruption ambassador, Innocent Idibia also known as TuBaba, joined the 2018 Africa Governance Architecture (AGA) Regional Youth Consultations in Gaborone, Botswana, as a guest of honour.
The Nigerian singer and philanthropist told the youth that after over 50 years of independence the current levels of poverty across African nations have a common denominator, which one word is, corruption!
The conference which forms part of the African Union’s 2018 theme: Winning the Fight Against Corruption, aims to provide a collaborative, open and inclusive space to leverage and foster meaningful participation of young people in the fight against corruption on the continent.
Half of Africa’s youth between the ages of 15 and 17 are out of school. This means that over 93 million children and youths are out of school and 53million of these are girls.
Edwin Ikhouria, ONE’s Transparency and Accountability Manager, said: "The population of Africa will double by the year 2050, this is a disaster waiting to happen because when there are no jobs for the youth and no opportunities, violence is knocking at the door”.
He further stated that “the youth must demand better access to government budget and expenditure. Transparency is the only way all of us can get involved. We must demand it from all of our leaders.”
TuBaba lamented the lack of opportunities for the youth which forces them to risk their lives to find perceived better opportunities abroad.
“Young Africans are dying in the Mediterranean Sea trying to cross to Europe. In 2018 alone the number of deaths of migrating youths that drowned in the sea reached 1,000 in July”, said TuBaba.
The sessions showcased the realities of fighting corruption on the continent and how youths can engage their respective governments. Consultations will also take place in Senegal and Morocco later in August and mid-September respectively.
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