Growth is plotted in the record book aims to detect any illnesses or problems early, so they can be treated.
Monitoring your child’s growth and development is very important for their wellbeing.
Babies grow bigger and develop new capabilities every day, which is why it’s important for your healthcare provider to monitor his growth and development on regular basis.
Health providers open a new record book for each new baby. It is a booklet that contains all of the charts needed to record and assess the growth of a child from birth up to 5 years of age
Growth is plotted in the record book aims to detect any illnesses or problems early, so they can be treated.
In addition, healthcare providers will assess your baby to see that his visual and hearing abilities and motor skills are developing normally.
Regardless of their weight, a child is always examined for clinical signs of marasmus and kwashiorkor when they are undressed for weighing.
A baby with a low weight for his age needs to be assessed for malnutrition or any illnesses that may be slowing his growth. Similarly, children who fall above the normal limits may be at risk of over-nutrition and obesity.
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By looking at your baby’s growth curve and weight for his age, your doctor will be able to see if the growth is within the normal range, or if there is any risk of over- or under-nutrition.
All children develop at a unique pace, but there are milestones to look out for. The absence of certain milestones or a delay in acquiring new skills may be a sign of an underlying problem or a medical illness.
All children develop at a unique pace, but there are milestones to look out for. The absence of certain milestones or a delay in acquiring new skills may be a sign of an underlying problem or a medical illness.
Normal development of vision is comprised of the following milestones:
14 weeks: Your baby will follow close objects with his or her eyes
6 months: Tour baby recognizes familiar faces
9 months: Your baby’s eyes focus on further objects, and his eyes move together
18 months: Your baby looks at small things and pictures
3 years: Your child can see shapes clearly at 6 meters
5-6 years: Vision is normal
Hearing and communication
14 weeks: Your baby will respond to sound by blinking, ceasing sucking at the breast or bottle to listen, or turning towards the sound
6 months: Your baby looks for the source of sound
9 months: Your baby turns when called
18 months: Your baby can point to three simple objects, knows at least three words other than names and understands simple commands
3 years: Your child speaks in simple three-word sentences
5-6 years: Your child speaks in full sentences
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Motor development
14 weeks: Your baby will lift his or her head when held against his caregiver’s shoulder
6 months: Your baby can hold a toy in each hand
9 months: Your baby sits and plays without support
18 months: Your baby walks well, and uses his fingers to feed himself
3 years: Your child runs and climbs.
5-6 years: Your child can hop on one foot