Here's to knowing where to find the best street food in Nigeria and what to expect.
The most populous African nation has a myriad of cultures and rich heritage, as well as vibrant food. Here is the ultimate street food guide to visiting Nigeria.
Visiting the states that boast of having the best of these foods will make a good adventure to-do. As a visitor, it also doesn't hurt to have an idea of the type of food in the area in order to brace yourself.
1. Akara
Akara is a deep fried bean cake meal that is very popular all over Nigeria. It is mostly a breakfast meal, served with pap, custard or a sauce. It is of Yoruba origin but has kind of been repurposed by the whole country, with each region having their own recipe.
2. Okpa
Okpa is a spicy locust bean meal similar to moin-moin. It can be found almost anywhere you would find Igbo people because it is peculiar to the people of the South-East. Ninth-Mile, Enugu boasts of having the best okpa in the country.
3. Suya
Suya is spicy skewered beef grilled over open fire and charcoal. The best Suya can be found in the North, though Northern Suya sellers can be found all over Nigeria.
4. Bole
According to the people of Rivers state, Bole consists of a roasted plantain with really spicy pepper sauce and fish. Yoruba people have another idea of what Bole (Boli and ekpa) is — roasted plantain and groundnut. All we know is, whatever you do, you have to try Rivers state Bole if you are ever around.
5. Corn
The battle between roasted corn and boiled corn, but however it is a country's favourite whenever corn is in season.
6. Mai Shayi
There's a good chance a mai shayi shop is around your house. They are littered around town, all over Nigeria, and are run by Northern mallams who make the best Noodles and tea.
7. Abacha/African salad
Abacha or African salad is another Eastern favourite. In the Eastern states of Nigeria, it is a more revered meal, reserved for special occasions with palm wine, but around the country, you can find it even sold on the street by hawkers.
8. Puff Puff
Puff Puffs are deep fried oily dough balls. Mostly delicious when made well, so no region can exactly boast of having the best puff puff.