That's why trainer Jay Cardiello emphasizes movement and mobility exercises in the workouts he designs for celebrity clients like rapper 50 Cent and NBA All-Star Kevin Love.
Mobility is important whether you're training for a specific activity, sport, or if you just want to look good and be healthy.
That's why trainer Jay Cardiello emphasizes movement and mobility exercises in the workouts he designs for celebrity clients like rapper 50 Cent and NBA All-Star Kevin Love.
Cardiello's 8-week Anywhere Anytime workouts do more than just hone your body control - they also help you to burn fat and ramp up your conditioning. Best of all, his circuits don't require any gym equipment, and only take around 20 minutes to finish.
Day 1 of Week 1 of the program, meant for Monday and Thursday, was focused on building flexibility and strength. For Day 2, which you'll perform on Tuesday and Friday, mobility is the name of the game.
Week 1: Get Mobile, Get Strong
Tuesday and Friday
Perform each exercise continuously for 30 seconds, either by completing as many reps as possible (AMRAP) within the timeframe or holding for the entire period. Take as little time as possible between moves, then rest for 2 minutes after completing each round. Perform 3 rounds to finish the workout.
Rear Delt Raises (L)
Frontal Delt Raises (L)
Frontal Delt Raises (R)
Rear Delt Raises (R)
Alternating Knee Drives
Elevator Planks
Fire Hydrant (L)
Fire Hydrant (R)