Crime: Bodies of 3 killed Fulani herdsmen found in Bole

The deceased persons are: Lansani Saaku, 21; Haruna Husein 19; and Osman Hadi, 18. According to the police, these herdsmen work for the complainant, Zakari Yahaya but have been missing since 7 August, 2018.

The police in Bole in the Northern Region have picked dead bodies of people believed to be herdsmen.

The deceased persons are: Lansani Saaku, 21; Haruna Husein 19; and Osman Hadi, 18. According to the police, these herdsmen work for the complainant, Zakari Yahaya but have been missing since 7 August, 2018.

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Police investigations reveal that the herdsmen are Burkinabes who have been working with the complainant for a year.


The bodies were inspected and were found to be in advanced stages of decomposition with maggots all over them. Three empty AA cartridges were found close to the bodies and one cattle was also found dead, a few metres away from the human bodies, which were later released to the families for burial after medical examination.

A team of police investigators, a medical officer of the Bole Government Hospital and an environmental health officer of the Bole District Assembly, visited the crime scene and examined the bodies.


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