Every new day or week presents another opportunity to continue seeking God.
When I think of pursuing God, this verse comes to mind. Its Proverbs 8:17, which says, "I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me."
It is a beautiful reminder and encouragement to never settle with what you know about God but to always remain hungry for Him.
Here are three great ways to pursue God in this new week:
Make time for Bible study
The first place for someone who is really hungry is the scriptures. Setting the time aside to read the Bible is a great way to pursue God.
Start your day right by first spending time with your Heavenly Father, getting to know Him and getting everything you need for the day ahead. Don't forget to ask for the Holy Spirit's help as you do this.
Seek Him in all you do
Prayer is the key to pursuing God. It is about inviting Him into every situation as you ask for His help in everything you do.
Psalm 105:4 - "Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always."
Take Him everywhere
Many of us are so guilty of this. We spend time with God in the morning, then forget Him all day and remember Him as we say a brief prayer at Night before sleeping off.
Let us do things differently, don't just call on Him in the morning and then again at night. This week, take Him everywhere.
Make a conscious choice to keep your hearts focused on God, no matter what. In Apostle Paul's words: "May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ" (2 Thessalonians 3:5).
Why bother pursuing God?
Every Christian should want to get to know more of this amazing, wonderful God. Why? Because really knowing Him totally changes everything. Once you really get to know Him, you love Him deeply and it reflects in the way you praise Him, think about or even talk about Him.
In his book, 'The Glory Within', Corey Russell from the International House of Prayer explains the need to pursue God.
"A father doesn't try to prove his superiority by hiding the Easter eggs in impossible-to-find places. He hides them so his kids will experience the excitement of the search and the delight of the discovery. The same is true of hide-and-seek. The point is to be found. Our Father is no different. He wants us to experience the excitement of searching for Him and the delight of finding Him. God hides to be found," Russell writes on Page 75.
Another great reason to always pursue Him is because as A.W. Tozer, an American Christian pastor and author is wise enough to point out, "Complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth."
We can pursue Him because He promises to open up if we care. Jeremiah 29:13 is all the encouragement anyone needs. It says, "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
James 4:8–11 adds, "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you."
God is a gentleman, who is not going to force Himself on you against your will. He wants a relationship, a beautiful one where you seek to know Him because you are interested and where He loving reveals Himself in all His glory to you.
This week, be encouraged by the fact that God really wants to share Himself with you, in fact, He is patiently waiting and knocking on the door of your heart (Revelation 3:20), all you have to do is let Him in.