Children can be very fussy when it's time to eat their green vegetables. Make kid friendly smoothies with spinach and watch then slurp it up. And ask for more too. Prepare your healthy Sweet Green smoothies with our recipe.
Sweet green Smoothie (Kid friendly smoothie with spinach)
Main course/ breakfast
Make kid friendly smoothies with spinach, a leafy green vegetable, for a healthy breakfast. Spinach very rich in iron, which gives it the ability to restore the vitality and improve the energy of blood cells.
It is also enriched in Vitamins A, C, K and B2. A plus for growing bone as Vitamin K is known for maintaining bone health. Bananas are great for breakfast by means of prepping your digestive system for the day. They are capable of stimulating the growth of friendly bacteria in your little one for easier absorption of nutrients.
Coconut water is a great substituent for water in kid’s smoothies because you get to have a little bit of sweetness with all that sugar. Coconut water has the ability to hydrate the body quickly, because it is jam-packed with electrolytes.
READ ALSO: How to make healthy smoothies for breakfast
- 2 cups of spinach
- ½ cup grapes
- 1 large banana
- 1 cup crushed ice
- 2 cups coconut water
READ ALSO: How to get more nutrients in your diet
- Wash your spinach thoroughly to remove any dirt. Do same for the grapes.
- Pour them into a high speed blender
- Peel the banana and slice it into the blender.
- Add your coconut water and crushed ice
- Blender on high speed for 3-5mins.
- Pour and enjoy
*it is best to have your smoothie as fresh as possible. To make it more attractive, try using mason jars with colorful straws.
2 persons
Green smoothies for kids is without a doubt the best way to get children to eat their greens. Everyone knows how challenging it is to have them finish greens on their plates. So this time we are taking it straight to their cups.
Although, smoothies are a very popular choice for healthy breakfast, they can became quite unhealthy. An overload of sugar could default the whole purpose of having a smoothie. Be mindful of your combinations, especially the quantity of sweet fruit (mangoes, bananas, pineapples etc.) that you add.
READ ALSO: Unique Smoothie Coconut milk
Fill it to the brim, with a piece of toast on the side. Also add a twist of sweetness with a dash of maple syrup or a drop of honey especially if you are using plain water. Get those precious little ones hooked on these nutritious and healthy smoothies.
Any leftovers? Add a little honey to it, pour into Popsicle molds, freeze for a couple of hours and serve as snacks on a very hot afternoon.