The Indian man's cut fingernails will be displayed in a museum in New York, United States, after six decades of cultivating the huge tolons.
The man with the world longest fingernails on one hand has finally have them cut, after growing them for 66 years.
The Indian man's cut fingernails will be displayed in a museum in New York, United States, after six decades of cultivating the huge tolons.
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Multiple media reports say Shridhar Chillal, 82, from Pune in India, had been growing his left fingernails since he was 16 years.
He is said to have been inspired to grow out his nails in 1952 after a teacher beat him for accidentally breaking one of his very long nails.
"I don't know whether the teacher is dead now or not but I would definitely like to say that the thing for which you scolded me, I took it as a challenge and I have completed the challenge and now, I am here," he told the Guinness World Record.
Chillal holds the Guinness World Record for the longest fingernails on one hand. He was crowned in 2014.
His nails had a combined length of 29ft 10.1in when it was last measured.
His longest nail was on his thumb at 77.9in, according to the Guinness World Records.
He is said to have grown the nails despite opposition from his parents.
He was often shunned by women but finally got married at age 29 to his brother's sister-in-law.
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He had told Guinness World Records that he always felt pains and burning sensation.
"I am in pain. With every heart beat all five fingers, my wrist, elbow and shoulder are hurting a lot and at the tip of the nail there's a burning sensation always," he said.