Pulse Blogger: Why we need more literacy

Education in Nigeria

We must not forget that literacy is however not the only fundamental need of a developing nations food, clothing, shelter, job and health are all basic

Illiteracy has no single value. Truthfully it has been recognized as a world problem. No nation can survive when there is high rate of it. 

At least 40-50% of the population needs to be literate to have successful conditions for development. Therefore, literacy is fundamental need to the development of a nation. But we must not forget that literacy is however not the only fundamental need of a developing nations food, clothing, shelter, job and health are all basic.

In attempting to provide one need, others must not be ignored as they are integrated

What then is literacy?

Literacy involves the skill of reading, writing and computing. This definition gives literacy all it takes but never tells how all of this can be put to use. So therefore, literacy is not just the ability to read, write and compute but also an ability to put these three (3) practical operations to use.

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Take for instance if literacy is the key to unlock, our concern/interest should be the contents of whatever is unlock. The definition has three (3) separate and distinct operations which portrays its objectives.

Maybe we don’t know that illiteracy hampers development which is the fulfillment of nation’s goals and needs because illiterates cannot function as efficiently and as precisely as they would if they were literate. When illiterate becomes literate and are able to function more efficiently then we can say literacy is functional.

Illiteracy, a good thing? 

An illiterate is simply the one who lives in ignorance. He/she exist but with of no impacts. No participation, will or drive to the world.  He/she lacks in so many areas of growth socially, emotionally, cultural, political, economical and psychological

To become literate, what does it takes?

Going to school is not only the answer. An illiterate will have to start from that ignorance level and go through a series/process of critical consciousness to appreciate more clearly the dimensions of problems literacy condone its way out and how to satisfy individual/societal needs. It involves a deep psychological and consistent physical doings to meet that level.

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No doubt literacy plays an important role as it is one of the conditions required for nation’s growth. It is to allow one reach a high level of consciousness, to know, express and be a partaker to the development of a nation and also to inculcate in each other acceptable values that foster the growth of a nation. However, literacy instrument is ever needed, functional to construct and transform their experience to a more fascinating one.


Written by Osundiji Ramon.

Osundiji Ramon is a youth counselor, blogger, writer and a poet. The founder of DE ORA PUBLICATIONS, an initiator of DE-ORA TALKS.  A member of Association of Nigerian Authors, Jaw Jaw Africa- a body aimed at raising future public speakers.  osundijiramon@gmail.com

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