Pulse Blogger: PFN: The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria & Daddy Freeze

Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria

Regardless of nuances in beliefs and approach to the Scriptures, true Churches in Nigeria are sort of similar. And they have a parallel mission, and (say )vision.

There is (probably)  a part responsibility of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria [PFN] to address, in far greater details,the mainline of Pentecostal doctrines in Nigeria, and the role of the Church in society.

However, with the recent controversies and agitated hate for true Churches, it is important to find a backbone in the PFN.

The misinformation war, on the internet, against Churches had been developing for years – underground, only to be championed in recent months – and aggressively – by Daddy Freeze.

It is unnecessary – and not advisable – to respond to every stupidity he spews, but regarding the main areas of doctrines, evident in the Scriptures – major detailed responses should be found on PFN’s webpages.

Also Read: Churches are NOT business centers

He started from tithes, but he wasn’t the first to think that tithing is wrong. Some people neither liked it nor were fully compliant from time, due to reasons from hardship, to optics of some of what they saw or believed about the Church or Pastor and may be not a lot of New Testament emphasis.

But for genuine Christians, tithe is NOT a scam. True Churches are NOT business centers. Sincere Prayers are NOT useless. Commitment to GOD is not brainwashing. True Churches are neither responsible for the poverty in Nigeria, nor are they responsible to lift people out of poverty. True Churches are for Hope and Faith. The Church is not the State Government or the Federal Government.

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All of these, for true Christians in true Churches were distorted by daddy freeze and his groupies – on the internet. His attacks and the vileness against Churches had become a fulltime engagement for him.

His campaign is defeated, disgraced, frustrated, stale, irritating, boring, and hollow. But he continues to try. He mastered the use of social media as a weapon and uses any news or story to say negative stuff about Churches and Pastors. Daddy freeze is an enemy of the Church – 100%. And the PFN should – probably – have recognized this, and should have – had – their central doctrine list or articles of faith – with detailed explanations.

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The rich man whom Christ told to sell all his possessions, give to the poor and follow Him – but became sorrowful, maybe had a problem with giving or with following Christ fulltime; he didn’t have a problem with keeping the commandments – from his youth up. When Christ got on the boat of Peter, he allowed it and helped Him thrust out a little. Later when Peter caught excess fish, on the instruction of Christ, Peter kneeled to Him saying he was a sinful man. Maybe Peter did not have a problem – giving, but had a problem with sin.

So giving in Church, as tithes, offerings or first fruit does not cancel out being truly born again. They are – allimportant together. In the Epistles, maybe the things they had problem with were mentioned more, not giving. Though, Apostle Paul said to the Church in Corinthians that he did not bother them when he lacked, but he got what he needed from the Brethren from Macedonia.

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So tithe [or Church related giving] is not a scam, if you believe – as a genuine Christian; but no worries – or town crying – if not believed or not willing to give – voluntarily. Giving is a constant in following the Lord GOD. He gave, and expects true Christians to give – praise, thanks, time, resources, energy, life, testimonies, what they have learned, etc.

PFN needs a detailed doctrine page, addressing areas ‘misunderstood’ to pour cold water on the – various – sham understanding against true Churches.

Yes, there may – at one time – have been words, actions and optics of a truly born again leader of a true Church that were not so cool. Those are not for the PFN to always – publicly – get into. However, regarding defense of doctrines, explaining and links to the webpages from social media – are vital.

Nigeria is painfully underdeveloped, and sometimes scarily dangerous – because of several kinds of risks. If government has failed, good knowledge for development could be tried, by those who truly know and are really willing. True Churches should continue to work on building Faith, Hope, Fullness of Joy and great character development for truly born again Christians or those sincerely willing – to become.

Also Read: Why daddy freeze’s mission failed

Daddy freeze’s campaign had already failed – all of it had been like dipsomaniac nuisance. But as his stupidity festers, the PFN should take up the doctrinal defense dutifully, aggressively and imminently.

Written by Nneka Okumazie

Twitter/IG: Okumazie

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