Hunt, the MP for South West Surrey, has served as Health Secretary since 2012.
Jeremy Hunt has been appointed the new British foreign secretary, following Boris Johnson's resignation over Theresa May's Brexit plans.
Hunt, the MP for South West Surrey, has served as Health Secretary since 2012.
On Monday, high-profile Brexiteer and Conservative MP Johnson announced he was resigning from the Cabinet, following the agreement of a Brexit proposal that would see the UK retain close links to the European Union after exiting the organisation.
Johnson, who favours a stronger break with the EU, said in his resignation letter that Britain is "truly headed for the status of [EU] colony."
10 Downing Street confirmed Hunt's appointment on Twitter, after he was seen visiting the Prime Minister's official residence earlier in the evening.
Hunt supported Remain during the 2016 referendum on EU membership, but has since been critical of the European Commission's approach to negotiations.
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