There are numerous job sites in Ghana, but only a few that presents real job opportunities. Don't waste time of these fake accounts or make yourself available to be risked scammed. Read on and be informed.
Job sites in Ghana you can follow for real jobs
Online recruitment service/online job sites
The internet is choked with countless job sites in Ghana you can follow for real jobs. Unfortunately it is quite a hurdle separating substance from the chaff.
Gone are the days when you would walk in the hot sun, moving from one office to another, being talked down on by rude receptionist and eventually have your CV used to wrap roasted plantain. All this stress, just to get a job interview not even the job itself. Online job websites is here to save us all.
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Though it might seem like a new experience, online recruitment sites or jobs have been around since 1994. NetStart Inc. software was first developed algorithm to help companies put up their job openings and also manage the responses (emails) too. In 1998, it transformed into a website with its own address and began to operate under the name CareerBuilder.
It is just fair to say that among virtues of the internet, online job sites are definitely one. Since we spend a greater part of our day online, it’s only fitting that we can gain something out of all that time and resources we put into it. Online job sites are simply a blessing to the unemployed coalition.
Unlike the newspaper ad section, you have access to thousands of job listings of various diverse work fields. And since it’s cheaper (some actually go for free), companies don’t hesitate to post any job openings that comes up. Also in the absence of financial-space restriction, they are able to provide more detail about the vacant position. Some companies even go a step further to review a candidate’s qualification through a series of aptitude test.
And for the job applicant, so many wonderful opportunities to explore! Upload your CV and have prospective employers review your qualities without any disappoints if you are turned down. It doesn’t break your spirit when u don’t have your hopes up (unlike being turned down at the door). It is both efficient and ineffective in job searches. Accessible 24/7 anywhere any day.
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Let me introduce to you, job sites /online recruitment agencies in Ghana that are worth their salt.
List of job sites in Ghana you can follow for real jobs:
- Jobberman.com.gh – one of the trusted jobsites in Ghana. It is patronized by all huge corporations and has amazing features too.
- JobwebGhana.com - highly recommended, this site aside having all kinds of jobs (public and private) and a friendly user interface. You can also upload your CV too.
- Ghanajob.com
- JobsInGhana.com - a great place for job listings but quite an unfriendly user interface, unfortunately.
- JobHouseGhana.com – As one of the credible job site online, you can upload your CV for review and access over thousand job listings.
- BusinessGhana.com - Made up mostly of business related jobs (as the name implies).
- GhanaCurrentJobs.com - preferably for hard to find jobs, this website is great. But you can’t register on the website.
- Ghanaweb.com Jobs Portal - the popular website has a couple of jobs listing under its job portal. Not a very wide search but worth the try
- JoblistGhana.com- With a wide variety of work fields. It is patronized by employers and employees alike.
- Ghana Locum Agency- inclined towards allied sciences and hospitality. As a professional agency they require a fee to sign you up.
- Tonaton.com- quite a lot of job listings but most are unfortunately of low quality.
Apart from the likelihood of being scammed, a highly competitive platform and unwanted applications, job websites are very a godsend. I would recommend all job applicants and unemployed persons to try this amazing system of job opportunities.
Robert J McGovern (1994)