Well, according to People, Khloe, 34, has already lost 33 pounds in that amount of time, and it's all thanks to some hard effing work.
Hi, remember when Khloe Kardashian gave birth to her daughter True on April 12-literally just three months ago?
Well, according to People, Khloe, 34, has already lost 33 pounds in that amount of time, and it's all thanks to some hard effing work.
While, yes, Khloe was ready to get back on track after True, she said she went into the post-baby journey with zero expectations.
“After I had True, I didn’t put any pressure on myself to lose the baby weight. I just wanted to get back to my regular routine from before I got pregnant, which was working out five to six times a week,” she said in a recent post on her app.
Khloe said she was "shocked" by the new number on the scale. “I’m chalking this up to the combination of breastfeeding and being very active during and after my pregnancy,” she added.
Another thing that's sped up her weight-loss results: eating more protein, fruits, and vegetables, and fewer carbs.
“I’m currently on a low-carb diet that my nutritionist, Dr. Goglia, gave me,” she wrote on her app early last month, according to People. “It has lots of protein, so I’m able to go all out at the gym, but the best part is that I’m never hungry because I’m always eating!"
Still, even Khloe works hard at not playing the comparison game with other moms: “I never compare myself to other women as every woman has their own journey," she said. "We also all have different priorities in our day-to-day lives."
One of those priorities for Khloe: hitting the gym whenever she can. But it's not just to see the numbers on the scale go down.
“Staying healthy and active is something that it’s very important to me, she said. "Exercise is something I’ve always used to maintain my sanity and relieve stress. And now that I have a baby, I still want to keep something that’s my time, my space, something that I’m doing for myself."