Do not keep your cell phone in your pocket and do not place your laptop computer on your lap.
Researchers have concluded that sperm quality and fertility rate are on the decline around the world.
As a matter of fact, a 2017 study shows that the average sperm count in Europe, Australia, and North America has dropped by 59.3 percent, between 1973 and 2011.
Five top causes of low sperm count
There are many potential causes of low sperm count and male infertility;fortunately, we can control many by reducing exposure to them. The following are top five causes of low sperm count:
1. EMF’s
Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s) have been shown through studies to lower sperm count due to the heating of the testicles from the EMF’s.
Do not keep your cell phone in your pocket and do not place your laptop computer on your lap.
2. Cigarette smoking
Smoking damages the sperm. But what is important is that the damage done from smoking can be reversed when you quit smoking.
3. Alcohol
In a study of men with poor sperm quality, excessive alcohol consumption was associated with a decrease in the number of normal sperm.
4. Plastics
When plastics are heated they release xenohormones which mimic estrogen in the body.
5. Pesticides and hormones in foods
The pesticides found on produce and the hormones added to dairy and meat have a HUGE effect on a man’s hormonal balance.
Here are five natural ways to increase low sperm count
1. Reduce stress
Studies have shown that stress can cause the body to take defensive actions and conserve energy.
In times of distress, it makes biological sense for the body to become less concerned with reproduction and more focused on surviving. However, reducing stress requires addressing the cause.
2. Do away with excessive alcohol
Although the studies exploring the link between low sperm count and alcohol are limited, researchers have linked the worldwide use of drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine to decreased sperm production.
3. Ejaculate less frequently
Studies have shown that frequent ejaculations can lower sperm count, especially for people with this condition.
Thus, if you have sex or masturbate daily, it is advisable for you down on the frequency for increased sperm production.
4. Quit smoking
According to one study, men who smoke have 22% fewer sperm than men who don’t. This is because smoking cigarette causes sperm counts to be lower, makes them move more slowly, and causes the sperm themselves to be misshapen.
5. Get enough rest and exercise
Several studies have shown that weight loss and exercise in obese and overweight individuals can lead to improved or increased sperm counts.
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