Even daredevils avoid these places like the plague and so should you.
From scary catacombs in Paris to a suicidal forest, here are the world’s scariest travel destinations.
Even daredevils avoid these places like the plague and so should you.
1. Aokigahara Forest ( Suicide forest)
Located close to Mount Fuji, Aokigahara Forest is popularly known as one of the world’s most popular suicide spots closely associated with the home of the dead in Japanese mythology.
The country’s suicide problem has grown to such an extent than in 2010, 200 people attempted suicide in the forest. It has gotten so bad that signs at the entrance now warn suicidal people to seek help with police regularly searching the forest for bodies.
2. Paris Catacombs
Even Paris has its own share of creepy stories. The city's famous catacombs are lined with skulls and hold the remains of over 6 million people. Built in the late 18th century as a way to deal with the city’s overflowing cemeteries, the catacombs have sections dedicated to different bones and body parts.
3. The Island of the Dolls
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Located on the outskirts of Mexico City is the creepy Isla de las Muñecas (Island of the Dolls). Here tourists are treated to old dolls with missing limbs or empty eye sockets. Hanging from trees and buildings it looks straight out of a horror film. Legend has it that after a little girl drowned near the island some years ago, its caretaker hung up her doll in remembrance, and people have been adding theirs to it over the years.
4. Snake Island, Brazil
If you hate snakes then avoid this place. Home to an estimated 4,000 golden lance head pit vipers, an endangered venomous snake. The island, Ilha da Queimada Grande is closed to visitors for their safety and to preserve the snake population.
5. World’s Tallest Glass Bottomed Bridge, China
When the world’s tallest glass-bottomed bridge opened in 2016 in Zhangjiajie, daredevils trooped there. The 430-metre-long bridge gives visitors views 300 metres (985 feet) down into the lush, green valley below. So scary.