Docho Eshete was in the process of baptising the first of a total of 80 congregants on Sunday morning at Lake Abaya in Arba Minch town’s Merkeb Tabya district when the unfortunate incident happened.
A pastor who was trying to get his followers close to God by baptising them in a lake ended up losing his life, after a crocodile emerged from the lake in southern Ethiopia and attacked him.
The BBC reported that Docho Eshete was in the process of baptising the first of a total of 80 congregants on Sunday morning at Lake Abaya in Arba Minch town’s Merkeb Tabya district when the unfortunate incident happened.
One local resident, Ketema Kairo is quoted as saying: “He baptised the first person and he passed on to another one. All of a sudden, a crocodile jumped out of the lake and grabbed the pastor.”
A police officer who confirmed the death of the man of God is reported as saying he died as a result of bites suffered on his legs, back and hands.
READ MORE: Pastor drowns while baptising church members in a river
Officer Eiwnetu Kanko added that efforts by the local residents to save Pastor Docho Eshete did not materialize.
They went as far as using a fishing net to prevent the crocodile from carrying the pastor down the lake.
The dreaded aquatic reptile escaped apparently leaving the severely damaged body of Docho Eshete.