For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
Holding grudges
Holding grudges about someone prevents you from being truly happy.
It feels like carrying a load around and you don’t see the positivity in things. Forgiveness is divine and lets go of negative people in your life makes you feel lighter and happier always.
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Lack of self-improvement
Unhappy people feel a lack of control over affairs in their life. They always sit down for a miracle to happen in their life instead of being a game changer. Happy people always brainstorm to find creative ways to solve issues and improve their lives.
Feeling jealousy or envy
Rather than celebrating the successes of those around them, unhappy people will be jealous or envious of their achievements. They try to find devious ways to defame the person and present themselves as the well deserving person.
Congregating with other unhappy people
As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. Unhappy people enjoy the company of other unhappy people because they provide affirmation for their emotions. Another unhappy person will see life the same way that they do and instead of offering them a better way, will support them and their attitude.
To break this habit, identify the people in your life who tend to be unhappy. Spend less time with them and hang around industrious people who will challenge you to be the best version of yourself.
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Living in either the past or the future
Unhappy people spend more time thinking about the past or the future than they do enjoy the present.
They are either reminiscing their past misfortunes and injustices and past glories, or they are hoping for a brighter future. And they worry about what future misfortunes are awaiting them.
They tend to believe one of two things: either everything will magically get better one day without any effort on their part, or that things will always continue to be bad or maybe get even worse.
The best way to become more mindful is through meditation. Starting a meditation practice will greatly improve your ability to focus on the present and to not concern yourself with the future or the past.