Relationship Tips: 5 compliments that every woman can’t resist

Pulse couple

Here are the top 5 compliments women can’t resist, and that might not come to mind immediately.

  • “I always learn so much from you”

Everyone wants to hang around people who compliment their intelligence level rather than their physical appearance.

This shows your worth and the extent to which you impact their lives or endeavor positively.

It also boosts their confidence to read wide, learn more and make meaningful contributions during discussions.

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  • “You’re good at what you do”

If your girlfriend, female colleague or date has an expertise in a particular field, don’t hesitate to compliment and encourage them to work hard.

Pay attention to the craft that matters most to her and gives them genuine compliments. She will know you care about the things she truly values and wants to spend her time doing.

  • “You’re a good friend”

A good friend is hard to find so it a great deal for someone to regard you as their friend. There’s something very satisfying, then, about being told you’re a good friend because it strikes at the core of who you are as a person and your very best, most selfless qualities.

Whether you’re complimenting your girl for being a good friend to you or to her friends, she’ll appreciate it and be touched by your thoughtfulness.

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  • “You’re sexy”

Don’t go about telling every woman on the streets that they look sexy.

Keep this one for at least a few dates in, so you don’t seem creepy or overtly focused on sex, but if you’re dating or in a relationship, your girl will want to be reassured that you find her attractive in a sexual way.

Usually best for when you’re just about to get it on or when she’s looking and feeling her best, a “you’re soooo sexy” can really be the icing on the cake to boost her mood.

  • “You’re my favorite person to spend time with”

Everybody wants to hang out with people with positive vibes, open-minded and very honest. Telling someone that you enjoy their company is one of their sincerest compliment on earth.

It’s humble and undramatic, but it’s always to hear from someone you’re seeing that you’re their favorite person to spend time with, or that they find you easy-going and a pleasant person to while away the hours with.

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